DrukBees Prime, getting better each day, we would like to inform our clients, that DrukBees Prime, now has made various improvements, we have recently added Our Android Apps in Google Play Store, we also have completed the IOS apps, and would be available in App Store soon, the major improvements is the performance, where we have now made adaptive bit rate, which means, our streaming can work from a very low bandwidth to high bandwidth, it will work smoothly with 2G Edge/3G/4G/5G connections in a adaptive rate, therefore better viewing experience even in low bandwidth. We will make it better each day. Once we have our system world ready, we would be soon launching, the OTT platform for our local content providers to provide and sell their contents at the most minimal cost, to reach the world wide market. Visit DrukBees Prime at https://e.drukbees.com
DrukBees Prime

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