
Goods Confirmation

We would like to notify that new goods needs to be confirmed, when the goods reach our warehouse in India, we send confirmation SMS, email and also notification in My DrukBees at, therefore we request our clients to check either of the three methods and to confirm your goods within a day to be picked up and deliver to Bhutan, if the confirmation is not done, it is not picked, and will not be delivered.

Since some sms are not delivered to the clients mobile number, as it is at times filtered by the service provider (Tashi Cell, and Bhutan Telecom), in such cases, clients are requested to inform their respective service provider and ask them to enable delivery of SMS from DrukBees, as to not miss your goods from being picked up and delivered in Bhutan.

The notification is also sent via email, at times the email are filtered by your email servers, therefore do check you spam folder, and identify emails from DrukBees as not spam, for future notifications and other alerts to be delivered in your inbox.

Thanking you, DrukBees Management.

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