We would once again like to remind our clients, some fake agents or individuals, are calling our customers, and generally from this number 77214711 and has mentioned to our clients that DrukBees is no more in service, and he has asked our clients to deposit money in his personal account to deliver the goods. We would like to caution that it could be fraud and any goods coming in the details that we provided our client to use our address, with correct DrukBees ID and address provided will be picked up by DrukBees and we are in service, and we only provide our company account for any deposit required, and also our communications are via automated SMS message, therefore please be cautious, when depositing money to individual accounts, as this could result in loss of your money.
And also not to fall in such trap of fraud and also fake agents, in continuation of our earlier notice, please check if it is a valid company, with valid trade license, and valid custom declared goods, as fake agents and frauds have taken money and never delivered the goods in earlier incidents, which are many.
To avoid such calls, we request all our clients to never provide your Bhutan Mobile number in any of your online orders from India, please use our DrukBeesID, so that such calls cannot be made by fake agents and frauds, and also to protect your privacy, DrukBees provides DrukBeesID, and the address for your online shopping, hassle free and fraud proof. Visit our counters for details if you have any doubts or query.
This notice is provided as a cautionary notice to our valued clients, and also to vulnerable individuals, who could be cheated by such fake agents and frauds.
DrukBees Management.
Ranjana Adhikari
Helo la,
I didn’t receive the drukbees id for online shopping yet la