
DrukBees, Online Shopping from India

Dear valued customers of DrukBees, we would like to make this announcement, that due to some issues, related to clearing of Online Goods from Online shopping sites from India at Jaygon, there are many complications due to updated e-commerce regulations in India, the SSB at the India Bhutan gate, doesnot allow e-commerce goods from India to be transported to Bhutan, therefore we are not able to provide the service for some time.

We would like to advise our customers, not to order online goods from India for sometime, till the issue is sorted out, and for those who have already ordered prepaid goods using our address, we will try to get those goods, therefore kindly share your pre-paid order goods (only goods that have been paid by online cards on the indian online shops), we will try to bring those goods, if you can share the information and details of the order via email to us at

There are also many fake service provider who are asking the customers, to deposit money in their personal accounts, and informing that they will home deliver the goods, this is to inform our valued customers, DrukBees never provides personal account number to our clients, we online provide our company account number, therefore we would like to issue this caution, that the fake service providers might not be reliable and also chances of goods getting seized by the SSB Indian army at the India Bhutan Gate, and also if not a registered e-commerce licensed service provider from the Bhutan Government, the goods can also be seized by the Bhutan Customs, if the fake provider try to bypass the custom declaration of the goods in the Bhutan Customs in Phuntsholing. Therefore we are providing this caution so that our customers donot get cheated and their money being taken by fake agents / service providers.

We will make official announcement once we can overcome this issue at hand, and will then make it possible for our clients to make orders. Meanwhile, we also would like to announce that our ground works and necessary arrangements for Purchase of Goods from Aliexpress and Alibaba is being completed, and would be able to provide this service to our valued clients, in few weeks time. We will make the official announcement and also inform the necessary steps and details for this.

From DrukBees Management

Head Office, Thimphu, Bhutan

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