
E-Payment to DrukBees

E-Payment ? Have you made an E-Payment to DrukBees for your order confirmation or new goods pick up confirmation, and has it been successfully applied in the DrukBees system, if this process is completed then you will receive an SMS from DrukBees, indicating that your E-Payment has been received by DrukBees, with the transaction details, which means your E-payment was successful and also being applied in DrukBees System for your order.

But if you find that you didnot receive any SMS confirmation from DrukBees for your E-Payment usually within 15 minutes of Payment being deducted from your bank account, or within an hour at the most, please do let us know, you can write to us at, with the details of your E-Payment, amount, and your phone number and if any transactionid, so that we can sort and settle it at the earliest.

Thank you.

DrukBees Management

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