
Flipkart Goods

There is some issue with the flipkart goods for sometime, the flipkart goods that is sent via Ekart Logistics Jaigion cannot be picked up, as Ekart Logistics in jaigion doesnot provide service to Bhutanese clients, and they have made strict rules and also not providing support to the Bhutanese clients. Hence we are not able to pick up flipkart goods sent via Ekart logistics, but we pick up goods sent by Flipkart from other courier. Our earnest request to our clients is that to send feedback to Flipkart to not sent your goods via Ekart logistics, and also make complain to Flipkart not to send goods via Ekart Logistics, we are looking to solve it, and as soon as we are able to sort it out we will inform our esteemed clients.

Till then, please do bear with us.

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