
Good Confirmation

Update: In continuation to our earlier announcement on the changes in the confirmation of goods from our system, which was announced vide

We would like to request our clients to visit the above announcement link for the updated confirmation process. And also would like to announce that due to high volume of online orders and shipments, we are not able to accomodate the goods in our warehouse in India, therefore, we request our clients to confirm the goods within 2 days time frame, we will provide 2 (two) days of time, for our clients to confirm the goods, the link of which will be sent to your mobile as SMS from DrukBees, and also you can check it from

And the confirmation link for the new goods, will be disabled after 2 days, and goods will be returned, therefore we solicit your kind support by requesting you to confirm your new goods within the 2 days time frame we will provide, this will be effective, from 1st Feb, 2021, and will be implemented, therefore please do the necessary confirmation and and payment via the Epayment link that will be system generated and provided to ensure smooth pick up and delivery of your online goods order from India.

At present, we provide 4 days for goods above BTN 3000, and longer period for goods below BTN 3000, which will be updated starting from 1st Feb, 2021.



DrukBees Management.

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