
Goods Pick Up Confirmations

Starting this new year, from 1st of Jan 2020, DrukBees clients will get SMS for confirmation of goods pick up, this means, you will get a sms message for the goods that has reached the courier partners in India, which you will need to confirm on the sms link, which will take you to our system application. You have the option to confirm and select the goods you want us to pick up, which will be automated by the system, when you visit the system through the sms message the system will send. So all confirmation of goods pick up / cancel / return from the courier companies in India will be taken care by the system. No phone calls will be made, and the official channel for goods confirmation / advance payment / and all others related to goods will be via the SMS and the system automated.

This is also in the view of confirmation recordings as needed and required for goods by the customers in the incident where proof of goods confirmation is required.

With this we will strive to bring many new features and also services to our customers, and we will soon start Aliexpress and Alibaba online shopping goods delivered through DrukBees to our clients.

WIshing you all a happy new years, and we will innovate and strive good shopping experience to our esteemed customers of DrukBees.

From DrukBees Management.

Kinley lhaden

Do you deliver to other place excluding thimphu ,paro and ngalam

Yeshey Tharchen

Online store like Amazon, flipkart, etc cash on delivery is not working. If drukbees have any comment on this la..

Phur Tempas Sherpa

as of now, Drukbees has never fail as a online shopping service provider. The goods reach before the delivery date and always fast service provider as of now…..

Kelzang Choden

Congratulations for the new update but I could your firm provide me drukbees id for me to do the shopping please. I requested last month only. My phone number 17747374, email I’d

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