
Read our Service Details

We would like to request our clients who are using our service and future clients, to read our service details, charges and all other details before ordering the goods online, if you agree to our services details and our terms and conditions and charges mentioned in our website, then only to order the goods.

If you donot agree to our terms and conditions and our service details or the charges we levy, please refrain from making the online purchase using our address, we would also like to inform that there are other service providers, who provide the same service as ours and the customers have the options to use service from others, not necessary to use our service, may we therefore make this earnest request to first check the details, and if you find it convenient or feel that our service caters to your requirement and you agree to our terms and conditions, only then to use our service.

Once goods reaches our COD counter, many users complain and express their concerns, which we feel is because they donot read the details and terms and conditions and make unnecessary complaints, which causes mis understanding and also raises un warranted issues later, which at times leads to waste of time, resources and also dis comfort to lot of our valued clients who are using our service.

Once again please do read our service details at  

We also make frequent announcements on our website, facebook page and can be found at

We also send alerts and SMS to the clients via SMS for any new changes, please also refer those alerts.

We thank you for being our client and wish to make all necessary information for any changes we make to our terms and conditions and service details.

From DrukBees Management, and DrukBees COD counter team, and DrukBees Warehouse team.

Sonam Peldon

Hello Admin, since m not residing in Thimphu i tried to contact ur office and ur employees but none seems to respond my call. I have been receiving sms from ur site to pick up my order which i have already a long time back.
I would like the concern person to please update it.
ID: 5556SP63T27478605

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